2.234 23

Don Mateo....

Mi Guapo!

( 6 months old )

Comentarios 23

  • Inez Correia Marques 25/07/2006 14:53

    Hi Raul:
    Your boy looks just like you,...
    Great looking guy, full of charm.. u 2. eheheh.
    I fully agree with John holms comment.
    Regards, Raul
  • Gino Santa Maria 16/04/2006 3:46

    Esta foto de tu niño es realmente hermoza. Cuando tus hijos crezcan van a estar agradecidos por un padre que no solamente los ama, sino que les dejo un legado fotografico sin precio.

    Gracias Raul por tu comentario sobre mi foto "Missouri Botanical Garden". Es verdad que es un jardin muy bello.
  • Fiona von Bachhaus 10/03/2006 14:31

    es muy guapo y bastante majo!
  • JVision 07/03/2006 20:40

    Very cute little boy :-))
  • John Holmes 06/03/2006 23:03

    i keep thinking of this shot while i'm skiing!! your choice of angle is super. the way he is looking slightly down; a don but not a haughty one. well done. jh
  • Anastasiya Ivanova 04/03/2006 13:52

    This makes me feel that the time fade away so fast and he has already grown up that big just after a twinkling of the eyes.
    He's cute and it's a very nice picture of him!
    Regards Anastasia
  • John Holmes 02/03/2006 4:23

    muy guapo ;~} jh
  • Robert L. Roux 02/03/2006 4:12

    time flies ... !
    saludos amigos - r
  • PINDORIUS 01/03/2006 21:01

    señorial, maravillosa
  • Laki K. 01/03/2006 19:54

    great one, and he looks so cute ;-)
  • M. Sommer 28/02/2006 18:54

    Already a real gentleman - he is such a cute boy!
  • Dennis Veldman 28/02/2006 14:47

    This is so cute!
  • Sergio Pessolano 28/02/2006 13:39

    Excellent, professional portrait of a lovely little boy.
  • Ilona P. 28/02/2006 12:35

    what a cute boy!
  • Dirk Hofmann 28/02/2006 12:33

    cool guy ... and definitely the boss already ... :-)

    btw: i'm happy to see that the little guy doesn't have to wear your haircut ... :-PPPP