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Matthew and his new toy,..

Matthew and his new toy,..

1.860 16

Matthew and his new toy,..

a stuffed toy dog,....$24.95.

the giggles from Matthew while he plays with it,.........PRICELESS!

We were shopping at BABIES"R"US for some outfits and shoes for the fast growing Matthew,..while the mother looked for his outfits and shoes,...Matthew and I wondered onto the toy section and you can only imagine the eyes and expression on Matthews face as he saw this stuffed toy,...his arms just streched out to it, " It was love at first site!,...I just started laughing in amazement and I just had to get it for him......the mother had a look in her face when she asked how much it cost,...but she melted away as she saw Matthew playing with it.


Comentarios 16

  • Visiones de vida. 24/03/2006 3:47

    Danke Chris!

  • Visiones de vida. 22/03/2006 2:56

    I love the story and it was very touching. That is a very nice pic.
    Chris Gonzalez
  • Christian Fürst 19/03/2006 10:40

    billiant they way babies can bend their legs. sweet pivture with interesting use of depth of field
  • Sergio Pessolano 06/03/2006 19:03

    Clever and lovely image. Superb use of the DOF.
  • John Moore 04/03/2006 21:27

    Well, what can I say, it has been a while and in the meantime young Matthew has grown into a young boy.
    Wonderfull to see mate.
    Best wishes to you all.

    John in Germany.
  • Anastasiya Ivanova 04/03/2006 13:49

    Sure it does. Everyone once were a child of their parents too and know exactly how does it feel to be so eager to have the toy which he likes. If I were you I would do the same too surely.
    Very good and lovely capture, great work!
    Regards Anastasia
  • Birgit Heidrich 04/03/2006 8:36

    woooow .... very good !!
    lg birgit
  • die Maike 04/03/2006 1:31

    an extremely nice focus!
  • Martin Unger 03/03/2006 0:00

    Hi Matthew, so you allready learned how to deal with parents... :)))
    Great photo, Raul, and great story! He's a very happy boy...
  • Esther Scheelings 02/03/2006 22:43

    Great and loving shot! can immagine....and I agree on Michael.....
  • M. Sommer 02/03/2006 20:00

    What a cute little dog for your cute boy - I nearly can hear Matthews giggles!
    You are totaly right - so moments are priceless!!!!

    Best wishes from Germany
  • Susann Loessin 02/03/2006 18:39

  • Robert L. Roux 02/03/2006 16:00

    can i have it when el niño’s finished with it ?
    mine's worn out ... ;-)))
    saludos amigos mio - r
  • Keiko Saile 02/03/2006 14:19

    Priceless! And I love the story, too...
    The ears are just amazing :-)
  • °°° celle °°° 02/03/2006 12:21

    ;-)))) good u r