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La vie de la Bohème

La vie de la Bohème

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La vie de la Bohème

(c) Aki Kaurismäki, 1992

BOHEMIAN LIFE is not a French movie, but a Finnish movie taking place in the 1960's Paris. Confused? I was when I started to watch it. But I easily forgot, since it is a involving and very funny movie. I don't know much about Finnish humor but it seems to focus more on minor details instead of silly one liners. Like the guy who wear a pair of two different shoes, or when another cheat an elderly female pawn shop owners by touching her emotions. There is some surreal details(a bicephal fish, anyone?). Funny in a very different way. Mind you, I'm usually a very unfunny person. The story centers around three egocentric and alcoholic artists in Paris. A writer, a painter and a musician. They are always for money and love, while their not discussing Marxism or cheating the landlord. The cinematography is overall very simple in B/W. Reminded Me a bit of the new wave flicks from the 60's. Just without being boring as any overrated Godard. The three lead actors do a great job. The two best scenes are first the great RnR footage that reminded me of The Sonics. The hair, the fashion, the sound. Anything is cool. And the scene where the musician perform his latest "composition" for his pals. You can call that avantgarde!

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