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War Photographer

(c) Christian Frei, 2001

This film is incredible and shows the power of one man. Nachtwey has dedicated his life to being a war photographer and shows how one man can help shape public opinion with the power of images. As was the case in Vietnam, photos can be very subversive since they show the falseness and fraud of the government's official line or 'spin' on stories.

And thus we see that in the war in Iraq the gov't is keeping a tight lid on images. Once you see pictures of a 4 year old boy in a morgue with his limbs blown off, the generals and the politicians cannot, no matter how hard they try, justify it. this is why Al Jazeera has become the boogeyman of the west.

once people see enough of these images, they cannot support war any longer. this, i believe, is Nachtwey's vision and his struggle.

Comentarios 2

  • Heinz Tschabold 22/04/2007 23:32

    Du musst halt deiner Phantasie freien Lauf lassen.
    Die Quadratur des blauen Bildes erinnert z.B. an ein Foto, aber auch einen Fotochip einer Digitalkamera. Es kann aber auch eine Landmine sein, die fragil in der Luft steht...
  • tom.w. 22/04/2007 22:58

    Jaaaaaa, ähm. Und wie passt jetzt der Text zu dem Bild. Oder ist das bei abstrakten Bildern völlig unerheblich, welcher Text dabei steht??
    Unabhängig davon finde ich den Film über Nachtwey auch wirklich gut.