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Migrant Hawker by night

Migrant Hawker by night

11.782 37

Mark Billiau.

Premium (World), region Antwerp, Belgium

Migrant Hawker by night

This picture is the result of an experiment.

While making a late evening walk, I spotted this sleeping dragonfly in the light of a full moon. I additionally illuminated the insect with the help of a portable led light unit and shot it with long shutterspeed.

The Migrant Hawker is a common dragonfly in most parts of Europe, but nowhere numerous present.
It’s a migratory species and can be spotted until late autumn.

Location : nature reserve ‘Walenhoek’ at Niel (Belgium)

Dutch name : Paardenbijter
German name : Herbst-Mosaikjungfer
Latin name : Aeshna mixta

Here you can see a Migrant Hawker in flight

Migrant Hawker
Migrant Hawker
Mark Billiau.

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