1.862 9

Mike Kiernan

Free Account, Stockport

Mow Cop Mystery

This was a photo I took at Mow Cop, Near Congleton, just south of Macclesfield in our fair county of Cheshire, England. The original sky was quite pale, and I superimposed the scene on a dark forboding sky, which was another photograph, I then added the owl, the bats and the fox. There is much potential in this image, and I have done a version for a local band, 'Wasted Rocks', with the band members superimposed on the scene. It works very well, with a kind of 'Gothic' feel about it. Watch out for more ! We were on a visit to a book sale in one of the churches in the village, and we visited the folly, or ruin afterwards. There is a stone memorial, commemorating the birthplace of the Primitive Methodist Church, in front of the monument, and some splendid views across the Cheshire Plain, with Jodrell Bank in the distance.

Comentarios 9

  • Mike Kiernan 02/12/2008 1:22

    Thanks Fonc, and Alessandro. I will look at your pictures soon and I will leave comments. I wish I knew some Russian and Italian, but we are very poor at learning languages here. Maybe 'Gratsie' will do for now, with apologies for the spelling! But photographs are a universal language, which unite us all perhaps. Best wishes - Mike
  • Eric Alessandro 01/12/2008 23:26

    really fascinating result, great job Mike!
  • Fonck Dmitriy 01/12/2008 22:40

    Interesting foto.
  • Mike Kiernan 27/11/2008 1:40

    Bitte mensschuldigung. Meiner Deutsch ist nicht gut. Danke fur deiner 'comment' Ich mus zu deiner photos kuken! es tut mir leite! I think that's the right expression, please correct me. Danke - Mike
  • annegretfunk 26/11/2008 23:23

    was für ein Foto,
    tolle Bearbeitung,
    ein filmisches,
    märchenhaft abenteuerliches Foto !!!!!!
    vg annegret
  • Mike Kiernan 25/11/2008 20:49

    Thanks for your comment Jan. One of my ideas was to expand the picture, adding other elements to it. I let my imagination run riot! I imagined on the left, a group of monks dressed in habits. Standing in front of them, a bishop, with his crook and mitre. On the right, three witches around a cauldron, casting spells. In the centre, a wizard with a staff, with a blinding light coming from the top of it. Down the path a young girl comes, carrying the Holy Grail. She is dressed in white, with a black veil. The scenario is this. The Grail has been hidden by the monks, in the ruin. The witches were about to discover it, so the grail is entrusted to the youg girl, to take it to a place of concealment. The wizard uses his staff to blind the witches to the girl coming down the path, to help make good her escape. The black veil she wears is for concealment, but is more symbolic than practical. How's that for imagination. Now all I need is someone to pose it for me !
  • j.a.j.jansen m. 25/11/2008 19:31

    Great editing, a perfect scenario for a movie.
  • Richard Egan 23/11/2008 18:49

    Hi Mike,
    Very interesting picture. Some neat work done on this.
  • Holger Findling 23/11/2008 6:42

    Interesting work.
    Great editing.