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Nonverbal Communication

Nonverbal Communication

4.478 36

El Porte-Bonheur

Free Account, Torino

Nonverbal Communication

EF 135 f 2,0

Comentarios 36

  • Anne Worner 23/03/2012 20:46

    An excellent candid - yes, that expression speaks volumes. Well captured.

  • Lady Edel 23/10/2011 12:56

    Eine sehr gelungene Aufnahme.
  • mike snead 15/09/2011 3:26

    a black cloud hovers over.

    great emotive image.

  • Antonio de la Orden 03/09/2011 8:55

    el titulo genial , parece que no quiere hablar ja ja ja ! has pillado bien la esencia del momento
  • DRAGA PUC 28/08/2011 20:51

    but eloquent...
  • Lily-Rose 24/08/2011 17:59

    Tout passe par le regard !
  • Lagad 13/08/2011 12:09

    Je ne pense pas que je ferai la cour à son épouse...(:o))
    Très bonne expression captée...
  • ennio valotto 12/08/2011 0:32

    Uno sguardo, un nervoso movimento delle mani, due invitanti freschi bicchieri di bianco su uno splendido intenso dettagliatissimo B&W pieno di tutti i colori del grigio.
    Ciao Ennio
  • Eva Mondkind 11/08/2011 19:05

    Certainly not a first date hahaha...
  • Susana Miguel 09/08/2011 11:28

    Oh yes, really impressive non-verbal communication, certainly not a happy man in those moments.
    At first his look had something menacing, but it could also be a look of sadness and disappointment...
    Who was dining with him, the table set for two does not give a clue, but it does not seem to have been a happy meal....his twisted hands indicating this as well...
    Great portrait El, very well observed and captured.
  • Ludwig Beck 04/08/2011 10:10

    if looks could kill...........
    LG Ludwig
  • cattymccat 03/08/2011 19:21

    What a look he has!
    Great shot in b&w!
    greetings, cattymccat
  • Emilio Sirletti 03/08/2011 18:43

    A look at coming out of the screen.
    Brava, Emilio
  • Elvina Benoist-Audiau 03/08/2011 13:44

    Quel regard !!! bien capté ! j'aime aussi beaucoup les verres sur la table - amitiés, Elvi
  • Alfredo Yanez 02/08/2011 23:31

    Un retrato muy bien logrado!Felicitaciones El!!!
    Saludos y buena luz!*