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The Fungi World (79) : Sulphur Tuft

The Fungi World (79) : Sulphur Tuft

8.766 24

Mark Billiau.

Premium (World), region Antwerp, Belgium

The Fungi World (79) : Sulphur Tuft

In autumn, the forest is a real fascinating paradise for fungi with dozens of species growing there at that time of the year.
Let’s have a look at what I found.
Today I start with the Sulphur Tuft.

The poisonous Sulphur Tuft grows prolifically in clusters on stumps, dead roots or rotting trunks of trees.

Dutch name : Gewone Zwavelkop
German name : Grünblättriger Schwefelkopf
Latin name : Hypholoma fasciculare (synonym: Psilocybe fascicularis)

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