The Living Forest (163) : Nipple Galls
Galls are abnormal outgrowths of plant or tree tissues and can be caused by various parasites, mostly by insects like gall wasps and gall gnats, but also some bacteria and mites can be the origin.
The gall insects lay their eggs on the leaf surface and at the same time secrete a chemical that causes the cells on the leaf surface to expand and grow over the eggs forming the gall.
The larvae then feed inside the gall until fully grown, completely protected against predators, cold and rain.
Galls are not really spectacular, but some are quite colourful like these Nipple Galls (coming from a gall gnat) growing on Beech leaves.
Fortunately, galls caused by insects are harmless to the tree.
Dutch name : Tepelgal
German name : Nippelgalle
Latin name : Mikiola fagi
Other gall species can be seen here
Bernhard Kuhlmann 07/12/2011 10:00
Die machen alles kaputt !Gruß Bernd
Bernhard Kuhlmann 30/09/2011 19:24
Schon öfters gesehen !Sieht wirklich stark aus.
Gruß bernd
Hans-Günther Schöner 22/09/2011 10:45
Wahnsinn !!! Ganz tolle Aufnahme mit fantastischer Lichtstimmung und sehr guter Gesamtqualität !!
Mohr Wilfried 20/09/2011 21:56
Wunderbar im Licht.Gruß Wilfried
Gaby Falkenberg 19/09/2011 11:07
Zauberhafte Aufnahme im warmen Herbstlicht,danke für die Info,Mark.
Lawson McCulloch 18/09/2011 10:28
Hi Mark, I love this shot with the gorgeous light falling on these plant wishes from Lawson.
Susanne47 17/09/2011 23:24
Schon oft gesehen und nie genau gewusst, was es genau ist, danke Mark für Deine Info, und übrigens die Aufnahme ist s u p e r ............Grüessli Susanne
Ludwig Beck 17/09/2011 22:29
What a fantastic light and the sharpness is outstandingLG Ludwig
Josef Kainz 17/09/2011 20:26
Eine feine Aufnahmevg. josef
carinart 16/09/2011 14:36
Jetzt kommt wieder die Zeit, die Schönheiten des Waldes zu entdecken und uns zu zeigen!L.G. Karin
Perry Blevins 16/09/2011 8:44
Well taken and nice light. Thanks for the interesting story you provided.Regards, Perry
Angelika Ritter 16/09/2011 7:04
very, very nice detail.well captured.
bw angie
Ayse Nalan Yasin 15/09/2011 23:27
Excellent sharpnes.. Great details.. Beautiful photoCheers Ayse
Mauro Stradotto 15/09/2011 22:46
Particolare "scherzo" della natura, sempre raccontato al meglio da te!!!Complimenti!
Un caro saluto,
Vera M. Shulga 15/09/2011 20:57
Very nice image and interesting information about.It is everywhere...
Wonderful colors and light.Nice sharpness.