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The Living Forest (282) : Ruddy Darter (male)

The Living Forest (282) : Ruddy Darter (male)

25.754 42

Mark Billiau.

Premium (World), region Antwerp, Belgium

The Living Forest (282) : Ruddy Darter (male)

Insects play a very important role in the living forest (pollinate process, natural housekeeping, food for songbirds,…)
Most of them can be found in woodland glades, like this Ruddy Darter.

This dragonfly-species has a huge colour distinction between the male which is strong vivid red, while the female has a yellow-brown colour.

Dutch name : Bloedrode heidelibel (mannetje)
German name : Blutrote Heidelibelle (männchen)
Latin name : Sympetrum sanguineum

Comentarios 42

  • jane B 15/06/2014 8:16

    Je les aime ces libellules et tu l'as captée admirablement
    einfach Klasse ... wie immer :-)
  • odeveld219 03/06/2014 16:47

    A well focused macro shot with beautiful light!
    With friendly greetings, Odeveld
  • Günter Nau 02/06/2014 16:22

    Ein tolles Foto und eine sehr gelungene Perspektive.
    Grüße Günter
  • Monique Robinet 28/05/2014 18:10

    Félicitations Mark pour cette superbe macro ! Amitiés.
  • H. Friedrich 26/05/2014 21:10

    Die Farben und die Lichtstimmung sind ein Gedicht mit der Heidelibelle!
    VG Heidrun
  • Irina Born 26/05/2014 19:53

    Fantastisch...diese intensiv rote Farbe ist der Hammer!
    lg irina
  • carinart 26/05/2014 16:58

    Eine traumhaft schöne Aufnahme ist dir hier gelungen!
    L.G. Karin
  • Barbara Bamberger 25/05/2014 23:19

  • catweazle99-Tierfotografie 25/05/2014 13:13

    grossartige Schärfe, tolles Licht und Farben
    lg K.-Heinz
  • † Ushie Farkas 25/05/2014 6:18

  • Josef Kainz 25/05/2014 6:00

    Ein sehr schönes Makro
    Gruß Josef
  • mario valentini 24/05/2014 18:12

    Wonderful macro of this little dragonfly.
  • s. sabine krause 24/05/2014 17:46

    complementary green really becomes him! ; ) and his fiery abdomen is most definitely a statement the plain-jane ladies can't ever resist! ; )) love the three-dimensional feel to the composition, the hint of a red behind the red of his body and – last but not least! – the aviator goggles ; ) reflecting the light are my favorite details. greetings, sabine.
  • Edi Ogris 24/05/2014 17:45

    Super Makro
    LG EDi
  • Jenipher Baker 24/05/2014 13:36

    I haven't seen one of these before .... a top shot of the darter in what looks to be difficult light conditions and fine detail in the wings :-)
    lg Jenipher