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The Living Forest (403) : Bluebells

The Living Forest (403) : Bluebells

23.801 37

Mark Billiau.

Premium (World), region Antwerp, Belgium

The Living Forest (403) : Bluebells

This macro shows a few of the millions of bluebells that can be found at present time in the Belgian Hallerbos (see my yesterday picture below).

I wish you could smell their heady floral aroma.

Dutch name : Wilde Hyacint (syn. Boshyacint)
German name : Atlantische Hasenglöckchen
Latin name : Hyacinthoides non-scripta

The Living Forest (402) : A sea of Bluebells
The Living Forest (402) : A sea of Bluebells
Mark Billiau.

For more pictures, click here :

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