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analysis of an aborigin

analysis of an aborigin

1.441 2

Jeong Cp Jeong cp

Free Account, KOREA SOUTH

analysis of an aborigin

"analysis of an aborigin"

in the begining,
there was total whiteness;

the aborigin God created a hanging window in the sky,
and it was good;

it was a window that would bring anyone into
another world,
the world of th e aborigins.

Comentarios 2

  • Jeong Cp Jeong cp 26/09/2005 19:24

    Jeannette Merguin,

    an aborigin who had came ot th ecity
    to uphold and preserve the aboriginal values
  • Jeannette Merguin 25/09/2005 21:49

    that's bizare - did the Aboriginies mean this kind of windows? I'm interested....