Barong carried through Kori Agung Gate
After the middle gate to the holy temple yard Kori Agung was opened and the Barong mask was carried out to cirlce around the temples complex.
The Barong is a character in the mythology of Bali. He is the king of the good spirits and enemy of Rangda.
The phtoto was captured four years ago. This year in February an heavy rainfall stopped the ceremony and the masks of Barong and Rangda couldn't carried out the holy temples yard.
Benita Sittner 10/04/2020 21:35
...wunderschöne Rituale haben die Balinesen....ein klasse Foto und sehr gute Doku...VLG Benita
Ilonka 02 10/04/2020 10:02
Hier durfte man noch gemeinsam feien und sich in Gruppen versammeln.Aber wir dürfen hoffen!
Schönes Foto!
Viele Grüße und bleibe gesund.
LG Ilona