Beauty is....
A dozen Clivias blooming in the garden.....
Dedicated to my wonderful friend viola d
. I hope these beautiful flowers brighten your day
Beauty is....
A dozen Clivias blooming in the garden.....
Dedicated to my wonderful friend viola d
. I hope these beautiful flowers brighten your day
Jürg Scherrer 20/09/2014 20:41
Hello Deryck -Wonderful! I like Clivias a lot, fantastic colours.
Wish you a fine week-end - kindest regards!
† cathy Blatt 13/09/2014 7:06
so beautiful with the yellow anthers(?)being stunningly offset. I have them in the garden too now but certainly not as beautiful,cathyVera Shulga 10/09/2014 19:21
very beautiful!Alfred Schultz 09/09/2014 13:47
You can be happy because springis coming soon to SA.
Best wishes - A.
Ulfert k 09/09/2014 12:41
A wonderful flowers ,beautiful colors !greetings
ulfert k
s. sabine krause 09/09/2014 10:08
: )) red rules and kindly enough sprinkles the morning with delightful little morsels of explosively happy yellow! i'm sneakily snatching one of those for me! viola won't mind, maybe she won't even notice… ; )) greetings, sabine.Harold Thompson 09/09/2014 9:00
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\beautiful close up and vibrant colours:-)) Harold
Mark Billiau. 09/09/2014 8:51
What a beautifully coloured Clivia !Great !!
Sue Thompson 09/09/2014 8:31 a burst of flames and warmth comming out of my screen. I hope that they do brighten the day for Viola, they have most certainly brightened mine :)))):))
viola d 08/09/2014 23:17
Aaaa....:)) What a bunch of orange beauties!:))They glow their warm light to brighten the whole room!:) And my heart and my soul too!:)
Thank you, thank you, thank you my dear Deryck!
Hugs and kisses, Viola
Odette LEFEBVRE 08/09/2014 21:59
great shoot bravo