Adele D. Oliver

Community Manager, Lotusland, Canada

Buenos Aires - Through My Eyes

A Blue Horse

in La Boca, where I found this old corrugated iron clad house, and across from it a modern shop with painted horses on the sidewalk ...... contrasts ....

The Blue Horse
The Blue Horse
Adele D. Oliver

Thank you for your visits and many comments!!

Comentarios 28

  • Ildikó ZókaDani 28/10/2010 17:11

  • Nick Topouzelis 10/04/2010 23:24

    A great view again, it looks so easy for you to compose such an interesting shots !!!!!!!!
  • Rosa Phil-Li 28/03/2010 9:12

  • † Ernst Hobscheidt 27/03/2010 1:02

    auch super das Foto, mit einem sehr schönen Bldaufbau. Das Pferd im Vordergrund passt zur
    gesamten Situation. Klasse Adele.
  • DRAGA PUC 24/03/2010 18:43

    superb, I enjoy strolling around woth you Adele.
  • Alfredo Yanez 23/03/2010 22:28

    Único en el mundo!!! El caballo azul y tu lo encontraste!!!
    Felicitaciones Adele!!!
  • Anca Silvia B. 23/03/2010 21:09

    amazing shot and colours..hugs,anca
  • Sally Dunn 23/03/2010 20:40

    How random, a blue horse looking at a graffitied building! I like it and I love the colours of the horse, nice and bright.
  • Emir Hadzidervisagic Roki 23/03/2010 20:35

    Bella ripresa di vita di strada, un bellissimo scatto di reportage, complimenti sinceri Amica Adele, tante belle cose e buona settimana...Emir
  • Ayse Nalan Yasin 23/03/2010 19:48

    Beautifull... Old and new .. super Adele
    Hugs Ayse
  • Ruth Hutsteiner 23/03/2010 19:32

    The blue horse looks at a formerly splendid building which lives on his old shine.
    Well seen, Adele.
  • Die Mohnblumen 23/03/2010 19:08

    Ein sehr gutes Kontrastprogramm, klasse umgesetzt!
    LG K-H
  • Silvia Simonato. 23/03/2010 18:03

    Muy buena y original composición, el caballo parece observar las pintorescas casas de La Boca, buen encuadre!!
    Saludos Silvia
  • Mark Billiau. 23/03/2010 16:59

    Great contrast in this shot.
    Well spotted, Adele.

  • s. sabine krause 23/03/2010 15:57

    : ))))) contrasts indeed! and i like the flowery "graffiti" on the horse a lot better than those "tags" on the wall of the pretty old house! beautiful capture, adele! i'm kind of puzzled, though, by that little pony-tail just behind (?) the horse's blue neck and mane: can't seem to decide whether it's in fact attached to the horse's mane, or whether it belongs to some invisible passerby? hugs, sabine.