Chocolate Arion
The color of this slug can range from red-brown, through chocolate brown to black, but the underside is always red with stripes.
The Chocolate Arion, like all other slugs, uses 2 pairs of tentacles to sense its environment. The upper pair is used to sense light, while the lower pair provides the slug's sense of smell.
Both pairs can retract and extend themselves to avoid hazards and, if lost to an accident or predation, can be regrown.
Dutch name : Grote wegslak
German name : Grosse Wegschnecke
Latin name : Arion rufus
Bruchhummel 23/10/2009 20:16
Super Aufnahme! Schwarze hab ich noch nie gesehen. Hier gibt es nur rotbraune bis braune, die allerdings immer mehr von den getigerten verdrängt werden.LG, Gaby
MAURICE CLEGG 11/10/2009 18:25
i dislike slugs very much, but this is a wonderful image, still don't like them.regards, maurice.
Gaby Falkenberg 10/10/2009 12:41
Hier mußtest Du Dich aber ordentlich in die Schnecken-Perspektive begeben:-)Es hat sich gelohnt!!!
Ayse Nalan Yasin 08/10/2009 5:42
Excellent shot Mark.. Butsorry I dont like themGreetings
Mauro Stradotto 08/10/2009 0:22
Questa lumaca è color cioccolato, ma ....non credo sia così buona!!!!!!Bellissima macro, molto nitida!
Greetings, Mauro
Adele D. Oliver 08/10/2009 0:16
A very fine specimen .... excellent capture! Another little creature that is totally new to me!!cheers, Adele
Josef Kainz 07/10/2009 21:23
Eine sehr schöne Aufnahme gefällt mir sehr gutlg. josef
Deryck 07/10/2009 20:05
I have never seen this type of slug. It really is very beautiful. Excellent information tooDeryck
Reinhard... 07/10/2009 19:44
was fürn Name, echt legger...;-)doch ich nehm lieber en Stück von der besten Belgischen Schokolade...
OIWEIDRAWIG 07/10/2009 18:52
perfekt ,....*****
l.g josef
Anca Silvia B. 07/10/2009 17:36
gut das Foto..nur die Farbe ist wie Chocolate..sonst zu klebrig...;)LG Anca
Ryszard Basta 07/10/2009 16:36
kosmisch† Ushie Farkas 07/10/2009 15:26
RAVISSANTE, Mark !!! Amitiés UshieJan Rillich 07/10/2009 13:35
:))Karin Wilkerling 07/10/2009 12:11
I never saw such a snail - very interesting picture