Collecting nectar
I spotted this buff-tailed bumblebee at work on borage (also known as starflower).
Borage is a herb that is known for its culinary properties and belongs to the pioneer vegetation on very moist rich soils.
Its flowers are very much appreciated by bees and butterflies as a rich source of nectar.
Dutch name : Aardhommel op Bernagie
German name : Dunkle Erdhummel auf Borretsch
Latin name : Bombus terrestris / Borago officinalis
Francisco José Chapela Posse 28/11/2018 19:27
Bella toma. ¡¡¡Helgrid 24/08/2018 10:33
Super schön!!!Lieben Gruß von mir
hans-jakob 23/08/2018 17:50
Fantastisches Makro!!!LG hans-jakob
archiek 23/08/2018 4:48
the colors, exposure, details, all super!Regards, Archie
† Henryk L 22/08/2018 17:04
Wunderbare Aufnahme in toller Schärfe, sehr schön auch die Farben.viele Grüße Henryk L.
Sue Thompson 22/08/2018 10:27
A bee............ being just as busy as a bee can be...........:))
hundlingtobias1985 22/08/2018 9:02
ein farbenfrohes macrolg jutta
Angelika El. 21/08/2018 23:10
Eine wunderbar gelungene Nahaufnahme! super all die feinen, scharfen Details und dazu der großartige HG!!!! LG! a.Adele D. Oliver 21/08/2018 22:06
so close, so sharp, such amazing details in bumblebee and theborage ... a fine macro and excellent the light and bright green
backgroud !!!
warm regards,
Manu T. 21/08/2018 19:12
Great sharpness and fine details and it stand out well against the bg.Gr.manu
Harold Thompson 21/08/2018 17:49
Good capture of the bee not quite as sharp due i feel the dof just my thought:-)) Harold
Vogelfreund 1000 21/08/2018 15:50
Super deine Nahaufnahmne .Toll die Farben .
gruß franz
Karin und Axel Beck 21/08/2018 13:24
Top Aufnahme....herrlich die farblichen Kontraste.LG
Karin und Axel
Gabriele Gressog 21/08/2018 12:19
Toll wie die Hummel da hängtGruß Gabi
Vitória Castelo Santos 21/08/2018 11:44
Working for her and us:-))))