8.147 3

Mike Stickel

Free Account, Minneapolis

Ferris Wheel

2008 Minnesota State Fair. Taken with a KODAK Z1275 Point-&-Shoot on tripod. F8, 8 sec, ISO 100.

Comentarios 3

  • jonsi 08/12/2008 12:23

    i love this photo , love the affect

    xx jonsi
  • Mike Stickel 08/10/2008 2:08

    I always carry a tabletop tripod in my camera bag. There was an empty booth across the street from the ferris wheel & I set-up the tripod on the counter.
  • Herbert Perez Aguilar 07/10/2008 18:27

    I really like this shot.
    What is the technique you used for it?