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Here's lookin' at you kid

Here's lookin' at you kid

1.536 5

Colin Karpeta

Free Account, Southampton

Comentarios 5

  • Véronique Soulier 14/04/2007 16:20

    Unusual crop.. works well with this lovely baby,, regards VS
  • Alexandra Schmidt II 05/04/2007 16:23

    how cute :-)
    lg ALexa
  • Kombizz Kashani 24/03/2007 14:03

    very beautiful eyes
  • Colin Karpeta 22/03/2007 18:49

    Hi Terry,

    This was taken with my 350d. Its at this angle because its a little bit of a different composition.

  • Terry Dye 22/03/2007 17:31

    I like the use of natural light here and can really appreciate the difficulty of having a nice photo of a child who knows nothing about photo being made. I might have turned this photo on it's side or shot diagonally, but this still works out.

    Was this done with your 5D?

    Cheers from Germany