I got lost in the night
“I got lost in the night, without the light
of your eyelids, and when the night surrounded me
I was born again: I was the owner of my own darkness.”
- Pablo Neruda
I got lost in the night
“I got lost in the night, without the light
of your eyelids, and when the night surrounded me
I was born again: I was the owner of my own darkness.”
- Pablo Neruda
Robert Scheel 22/03/2023 12:13
Noli lauda externam pulchritudinem meam. Vas animae meae est. Laudem animae meae pulchritudinem, Diis placeant.(Lobe nicht meine äußere Schönheit. Sie ist nur das Gefäß für meine Seele. Lobe die Schönheit meiner Seele, sie soll die Götter erfreuen.)
a n d u c i 10/02/2019 8:57
aussergewöhnlich schön.lg, andrea
Tekla-Maria 06/02/2019 11:08
herrlich präsentiert!!! LG Tekla