Is it true Blondes have more Fun?
I met this Blonde and Master in a park and was told that the breed is called Chinese Hairless Tufted Dog - I was allowed to take a photo (did not crop, came very close).
and ... the Blonde is actually a male...
redfox-dream-art-photography 20/07/2016 14:39
Very cute portrait and good, redfox
Sergio Pessolano 18/10/2009 13:31
Great closeup!Karl R. H. 05/02/2009 19:57
haarlose Chinesen soll es geben ...oh : welt !
TFR 04/02/2009 22:16
Lovely portraitRgrds, Robert
Ernst Heister 04/02/2009 19:20
Das wirkt fast wie Sonnenbrand, aber was tut man oder frau nicht alles für die Schönheit - irgendwie bedauernswert, was aber nicht unbedingt für alle Blondinen gilt!Liebe Grüße, Ernst
Fons van Swaal 04/02/2009 18:43
If she would shave , I bet she would have more fun....;-))Excellent catch..
Canan Oner 04/02/2009 16:10
:))))))))))))) Handsome !!!!Great close up Adele.....Supeb image...
Michael Grotkamp 04/02/2009 13:25
its in genetic like the mexican Chihuahua dear Adele,ich sorge mich um diese Rassen und hoffe, allesi st o.K.
beside this: a great shot and great love...
lg Michael
Mark Billiau. 04/02/2009 11:52
What a special looking dog.Interesting to see, thanks for sharing.
Pretty nice capture.
Meike T. 04/02/2009 9:34
Ein sehr gutes Bild von diesem außergewöhnlichen Hund.LG Meike
s. sabine krause 04/02/2009 9:20
great close-up, adele!!! those hairless dogs seem so unsuited for this world… i feel a little sorry for the breed… greetings, sabine.Waldi W. 04/02/2009 7:07
:-))) Blondie müsste mal wieder zum Frisör :-))