1.662 3


Free Account, Elefteroupoli

Comentarios 3

  • Giorgos Fidanas 15/03/2007 10:00

    It is hard for me to be straight and tough in my critique most of the time. Even more with a new member, so don't get me wrong if i'm not writing any technical details about how i see your shooting skills now. Simply i like this photo very much.

    Cheers, Giorgos
  • DRAGA PUC 13/03/2007 14:01

    nice photo, maybe the colours are a biot dark... welcome to the fc and enjoy it
  • Kombizz Kashani 13/03/2007 13:57

    love the composition with that light green tone
    What is the name of that mountain?
    By the way where did you take that shot?