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Free Account, Elefteroupoli

Comentarios 4

  • Mike Harvey 20/03/2007 12:32

    i like the strong colours well done
  • Oliver Suhr 14/03/2007 14:28

    A good night shot with strong colours. I would adjust the white balance a bit, the red boats are looking unnaturally.
    cheers, Olli

    p.s.: Welcome at the FC, you are really a brave one uploading your first pics in this section!
  • Pascal Viyer 12/03/2007 18:51

    Amazing colours !!
  • Giorgos Fidanas 12/03/2007 17:49

    Welcome panagivths the brave (to post your photo here from the begining).
    Without much in technical details, i love your image. The way the sky is lighten in the back is awesome.
    Well done.