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MAKE LOVE, NOT WAR......... On good will mission in Afghanistan ;-)

MAKE LOVE, NOT WAR......... On good will mission in Afghanistan ;-)

1.275 4

Bin Im Laden


MAKE LOVE, NOT WAR......... On good will mission in Afghanistan ;-)

Refuelling between Kandahar and the Pakistan boarder.
Omar and Richard went for a piss near the gasoline station. Omar still with me, but Richard in Guantanamo now.
Sorry for the poor quality, unfortunately my scanner was damaged in Tora-Bora..........due to some reason, including cruise missiles :-(.

Comentarios 4

La foto no se encuentra en la discusión pública. Es por esta razón actualmente no puede ser comentada.

  • Bin Im Laden 14/05/2006 18:51

    Harald I know a German proverb:
    Geld allein macht nicht glü muss es auch haben :-).
  • Harald Lachmann 14/05/2006 18:46

    Congratulations! Money don't make happy.
  • Bin Im Laden 14/05/2006 17:29

    Harald you are right. The CIA offered 25 Million bucks for the picture including the man aside the driver.
    Fortunately still I get support from friends in the States, including the Bush clan, so I could refuse.
  • Harald Lachmann 14/05/2006 16:35

    This is very sensational! ;-)))
    Greetings Harald