Oops The Ex-Gymnast Lands Like A Lady
She might have transformed from a seventeen year old narrow hip girl into a broad bean great grandmother. Yet she is still strong. She can still attack the side rails as if they are parallel bars and dismount into the mud and still look like a lady landing on her toes for a perfect score.
Now she and her husband just make deliveries and get paid. Their horse and wagon is the back bone of their second income. Her next stop is just up the road to a social cafe.
Dominique BEAUMONT 03/08/2014 11:42
Toutes tes photos sont EXTRAORDINAIRESBravo Glenn
Claudio Micheli 30/11/2013 18:12
I'm sorry, Glenn...it's a very nice and interesting picture...Have a nice week end!
Ciao, Claudio
Cécile Fischer 29/11/2013 13:22 Comentario de la votación
+++MANOLO ORANTES 29/11/2013 13:22 Comentario de la votación
Puhunachdemwaldbrand 29/11/2013 13:22 Comentario de la votación
+++Gérald SCHMITT 29/11/2013 13:22 Comentario de la votación
+++lolita cecilia 29/11/2013 13:22 Comentario de la votación
proClaireLaira 29/11/2013 13:22 Comentario de la votación
ProMassimo Ferrero 29/11/2013 13:21 Comentario de la votación
proalessandro tagliaferri 29/11/2013 13:21 Comentario de la votación
cRoberto Spirlì 29/11/2013 13:21 Comentario de la votación
padriana lissandrini 29/11/2013 13:21 Comentario de la votación
ProEmilio Sirletti 29/11/2013 13:21 Comentario de la votación
p R owinkel 1 29/11/2013 13:21 Comentario de la votación
probayerlein ute 29/11/2013 13:21 Comentario de la votación