Sagt sie: "Oh je, what sad news! Bestimmt das trifft den Nagel auf den kopf ";-(((
Gerade sie ist shopping in a market in Penang.
Kommt ein call von ihr kollege.
Sagt der, dass Mr. Nagel, ihr German boss bei "Malaysia - German Trading Ltd." er hat ein schlägle kriegt.
Liegt jetzt in Central Hospital von Georgetown und kann kein gar nix mehr nicht sagen:-((.
Indeed a very sad day for the German community of Penang.
Fast so schlimm wie the defeat of the German soccer team by Serbia.
And both bad news on the same day.
Ein so genannt doppel-schlägle!
Let's pray for Mr. Nagel and the German Team as well.
Bin Im Laden 26/06/2010 16:15
@Eva Lea B.:Dear Eva, I can confirm that it's a real woman and no elderly lady boy.
I did examine her ........ und zwar genau und extensive!;-)
LG, Bin
Magic-Light-Art-Design-Photography 25/06/2010 6:12
LG, Angelina
Carmen Mc Lean 21/06/2010 18:58
Darfst du ruhig sagen deine Meinung.......At "my time", there were waves of marines having a pass. Possibly you did never see any because u do not wear little teeny weeny but still decent bikini?
Bin Im Laden 21/06/2010 11:39
@Carmen Mc Lean:Dear Carmen, there are more than sufficient Germans there!
Darf ich sagen unfortunately?;-)
US marines chasing ladies at Penang's beaches fortunately I haven't met.
I guess since you don't more go there they have no more reason too.........they are only auf jagd for beautiful ladies ;-).
Und sowieso the situation since 2001 changed completely.
Now the marines are the Talibans;-((.
Concerning challenge voting:
Possibly I have no time;-((.
Bin busy.........
Bin auf der jagd:-)).
Hugs, Bin
redfox-dream-art-photography 21/06/2010 5:29
GENIAL!!! :-)Suuuuuuuuper Blick und perfekt eingefangen!
Bin begeistert!!!
glg, refdox
Klexy – Bewahrer des Augenblix¸ Hüter des Worz 21/06/2010 0:52
There is the Lack ab.Carmen Mc Lean 20/06/2010 23:14
You have captured the right moment to make this great picture!Are there many Germans on Penang island??
I was there in 2001 and liked it! But too many US marines running after uns ladies at the beaches......
Hugs Carmen
Thomas Wyler 20/06/2010 22:48
gutes werkAlfons Gellweiler 20/06/2010 22:37
Was für eine herrliche Verknüpfung von Bild und Text !!!
Frederick Mann 20/06/2010 20:49
oh my yes
(one shares her emotional moment
Schattenjaegerin 20/06/2010 20:31
Hera K. 20/06/2010 19:28