Sex on the beach
In the middle of the lake, this Yellow Pond Lily was used as mating place by a couple of Red-eyed Damselflies.
Dutch name : Gele plomp & Grote Roodoogjuffers
German name : Gelbe Teichrose & Grosse Granataugen
Latin name : Nuphar lutea & Erythromma najas
teototi 02/07/2011 22:31
Nice!Rikki und Winni 05/06/2011 21:56
Your title is .... the name of MY DRINK I have when I go bowling!Just great picture!!!
Regars Rikki
Andrea Sagawe 01/06/2011 19:20
Amazing shot, especially due to the reflections. Perfect symmetry.andrea
Silvia Simonato. 29/05/2011 0:24
Maravillosa captura, muy buena imagen!!!Saludos Silvia
Majid mehraban 28/05/2011 15:54
+++CsomorLászló 27/05/2011 19:28
-:)))aspectus 27/05/2011 12:21
Die herrliche Teichrose mit dem Libellenpaar und dazu die hervorragende Spiegelung - eine exquisite Aufnahme!!!!LG Renate
Mohr Wilfried 27/05/2011 9:15
Klasse Aufnahme mit der Spiegelung.Gruß Wilfried
Deryck 26/05/2011 21:48
So the they were, in the middle of the lake, thinking they had total privacy..... But the long lenses of the paparazzi are always there..... -:)))Great shot Mark. Excellent capture with the reflection included
carinart 26/05/2011 10:49
Ganz tolle Komposition! Bin begeistert von deinem Scharfblick!L.G. Karin
John Mc D 26/05/2011 9:15
:-))Wonderful composition
Anhertz 26/05/2011 8:12
What an apt title for this picture!Here the eye has to do.
Greetings Anhertz
Hans-Günther Schöner 26/05/2011 7:36
+++++ !!
Echt top !
Die Mohnblumen 26/05/2011 6:29
Erstklassig hast Du den "Akt" festgehalten. :-)Ist halt Frühling...
† Ushie Farkas 26/05/2011 1:34
C´est FANTASTIQUE !! Amitiés Ushie