Adele D. Oliver

Community Manager, Lotusland, Canada

Simon Fraser University # 1

Simon Fraser University is one of two large universities in Vancouver and sits on Burnaby Mountain. It was established in 1965 and has more than 32,000 students. It was designed as one complex by internationally known architect Arthur Erickson.

I hope you appreciate architecture as I do - a break from my landscape shots.

I TOOK THESE IMAGES IN THE SUMMER DURING SEMESTER HOLIDAYS (added after questions about the missing students)

Wishing you all a great week!!!

Comentarios 24

  • Nick Topouzelis 28/10/2009 13:56

    A very beautiful and balanced picture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Best wishes
  • Claudio Micheli 27/10/2009 16:55

    Very good composition...and interesting building!
  • Nancy Blach 27/10/2009 16:51

    Yes, I was about to asked where are the students.
    Something was missing in this picture.
    I think without students it looks a bit scary.
    But I like the point of view you've chosen and it is a great shot.
  • Jürgen Cron 27/10/2009 10:08

    Ich wollte auch gereade schreiben, komisch das niemand da ist, aber dann sah ich das Ferien sind. Um so besser für dich Adele, so hast du es fein auf Bild bekommen.
    Das wünschte ich mir mal von der Karlsbrücke in Tschechien in Prag, die vielen Menschen dir dort immer rum laufen stören jedes Bild :-))

    viele liebe Grüße, Jürgen...
  • Angelika El. 27/10/2009 0:32

    Tja, wenn Semesterferien sind, dann geht kaum einer an die Uni .... ;-))
    Durch Deinen gewählten Bildschnitt kommen die Linien und geometrischen Formen ganz ausgezeichnet zum Ausdruck..


  • Ilidio Fernandes 26/10/2009 23:23

    Very good.
  • JValentina 26/10/2009 22:00

    perfecta!!!!! la perspectiva esta encanta la composición
    un abrazo
  • Silvia Corvalan 26/10/2009 19:57

  • Inez Correia Marques 26/10/2009 16:39

    Great architecture here Adele . I must confess these kind of compositions are complicated for me, but i love to see them very much

  • s. sabine krause 26/10/2009 15:58

    very impressive architecture! that looong, bridge-like building is fascinating, and i like the way it's corresponding with the great big stairs underneath it! looks like a great place to learn, live and study – nice and green, too! hugs, sabine.
  • Frederick Mann 26/10/2009 15:32

    would be interested in seeing it peopled
  • Ayse Nalan Yasin 26/10/2009 15:24

    Excellent perspective and interesting building..
  • Sally Dunn 26/10/2009 14:35

    Wow, that is a big complex to educate 32,000 students there! I love the symmetry of the shot with the trees in pots down each side, the steps separated into 6 sections, the two large posts holding up the main structure with all the windows and through the middle there is another windowed section further up. Very nicely composed, it appeals to my neat nature!
  • Werner R. Albert 26/10/2009 10:46

    A fine documentation, Adele.
    And interesting words.
    best wishes
  • Walter Zeis 26/10/2009 10:32

    wirkt sehr aufgeräumt.
    und in einer solchen "geometrischen" umgebung kommen die pflanzen/blumen natürlich besonders gut zur geltung.
    lg walter