So Many Flowers
the Art of Takashi Murakami
last week at the Vancouver Art Gallery ... taken in available light .
Takashi Murakami is a Japanese contemporary artist. He works in fine arts media (such as painting and sculpture) as well as commercial media (such as fashion, merchandise, and animation) and is known for blurring the line between high and low arts. He coined the term "superflat", which describes both the aesthetic characteristics of the Japanese artistic tradition and the nature of post-war Japanese culture and society, and is also used for Murakami’s own artistic style and that of other Japanese artists he has influenced.
Y.Takatsu. 26/05/2018 8:56
it's the real art ....with perfect shot !!BR
Y.Takatsu. Tokyo Japan
pfallera 29/04/2018 0:17
good compositionCharly Charity 28/04/2018 14:26
WAS FÜR ein ... WERK!Wow, Hut ab!
lg Dagmar
† Reinhard S 23/04/2018 22:22
Gut gesehen!LG, Reinhard
behak 22/04/2018 18:49
don't think, just lookDinu Filipescu 21/04/2018 11:24
I bet she dreams of her childhood playing in a field of flowers ..........gageou Jean- claude gage 21/04/2018 10:25
Génial! J'adore!SINA 21/04/2018 8:12
Ein großes FotoEine schöne Szene die mich mit staunen lässt liebe Adele
Hab herzliche Grüße von mir und ein schönes Wochenende
pitt1958 20/04/2018 13:50
Eine sehr schöne Aufnahme,gefällt mir gut.Gruß Pitt
DagmarN 20/04/2018 0:18
So als Tapete... interessante Vorstellung.VG Dagmar
Torsten TBüttner 19/04/2018 18:39
herrlich, ein tolles Muster19king40 19/04/2018 17:22
Cooles Bild.LG Manni
Angelika El. 19/04/2018 16:23
Herrlich, Deine Aufnahme! So ab und an ist solch ein buntes Durcheinander - doch tag-täglich wäre es dann doch eher nichts für mich... ;-)Das Licht ist hier super.... LG! a.
Helga Noll 19/04/2018 16:06
mach dir das Leben bunt....lach.
sehr schöne Präsentation, liebe Adele.
Grüße, Helga
Elvina Benoist-Audiau 19/04/2018 12:12
Instead of counting the sheep in order to get asleep, one can try to count the flowers :-) Hugs, Elvi