1.796 4

Michael Michelitsch

Free Account, Sheffield

Spiral Fractal

Fractal image created by Michael Michelitsch by using Turbo-Basic and Turbo-Pascal programs by Albert Mürle.

Further information, see URL: http://www.geocities.com/tmichelitsch/Michelitsch_Fractals.html

Comentarios 4

  • Dirk Hofmann 24/06/2006 11:42

    thank you michael!

    i honor this pretty much because i think this is a "good community behaviour" ... :-)

    not all of our german friends are that way ....

    best regards
  • Michael Michelitsch 24/06/2006 9:48

    Many thanks for your comments.
    All right, I'll switch the description of the images
    to English.

    The images are fractals created on the computer by using self-made programs which are downlodable at

    Regards, Mike
  • Dirk Hofmann 24/06/2006 1:09

    it might be that most of our users at fotocommunity.com don't understand anything because english is the common language here at .com ...

    you might consider to use this language for further uploads here ...
  • Sanya Kovacheva 23/06/2006 22:04

    wow! I wonder how did you do that... very impressive,
    it looks like secession a bit