The backwaters of Kerala....................Fishermen at work
The highlight of a visit to Kerala is a trip through the backwaters, a network of waterways of 900km length that fringes the coast and winds far inland along palm-tree dotted lakes and narrow , shady canals. There you also come across tiny villages where you can watch people at their daily work. Often living on reclaimed pieces of land only some metres wide.
The waters are rich with all kind of fish and you can frequently see fishermen at their activities in small boats, die wo sometimes nearly capsize when activities are at high level.............................
In order to get no hassles with the administration I put this picture in section outdoor erotic.
But while looking at this photograph you always should keep in mind the Budddhist teaching: "Purify your mind " :-))).
The administration has kindly allowed to put this picture in normal section and brought it to the Indian Ocean.
Bin Im Laden 16/09/2009 10:21
Dear Agnes,me too have not more much trust in the behaviour of fc administration.
One more reason that me here still only rarely.
I pray for their enlightenment.
Bin Still Around:-)
Agnes R. 21/08/2009 23:13
Dear Bin,me, again.
This would have been an amazing, almost poetic picture, if it were not for those two who misbehaved right there in front of your lens. I am really sorry for you. They messed it up. I wonder why the administration put it in the normal section. I think there is some young, innocent people around fotocommunity...
It is a crazy world. Stay safe;-)
Sergio Pessolano 13/04/2008 11:49
A class work.Maria Simona Monti 08/04/2008 9:57
GRAZIE!è davvero meravigliosa l'India ! ! ! _____
Dragomir Vukovic 08/03/2008 23:46
Aredfox-dream-art-photography 05/02/2008 4:06
Very nice picture!bw, redfox
Heidi Roloff 26/01/2008 23:53
I love it and your pictures :-))) Would be great, to meet you persönlich irgendwann... :-)))Herzlichst, Heidi
Thomas Wyler 05/06/2007 23:41
wirkt gut..Martin Meese 10/05/2007 11:36
perfect regards
DRAGA PUC 18/04/2007 16:40
very very goodd
Martin B.... 18/04/2007 10:15
dear bin!really great and sexy szene - it's interesseting to know that some users here bastel there cameras themself...
ciao martin
Laila Pregizer 17/04/2007 14:49
Schön minimalistisch!LG, Laila
Johannes Barthelmes 17/04/2007 11:12
just poesy !Inez Correia Marques 16/04/2007 19:54
love it.Ilona M. 15/04/2007 18:00
eine wohltat für die seele zwischen den andern bildern. thnxlg ilona