The Living Forest (88) : mating Ruddy Darters
After the uploads (see below) of a single male and single female Ruddy Darter, you can see them here both in one shot while mating.
This is the so-called ‘mating wheel position’. The male clasps the female on her head with the extremity of his abdomen. The female then loops her abdomen forward and picks up the sperm from the male.
Dutch name : Bloedrode heidelibel
German name : Blutrote Heidelibelle
Latin name : Sympetrum sanguineum
The Living Forest (67) : Ruddy Darter (female)
Mark Billiau.
The Living Forest (77) : Ruddy Darter (male)
Mark Billiau.
Mariechen König 11/01/2014 0:15
From Gran Canaria!
Pozer Katalin 04/10/2009 9:48
Wow! What a fantastic colourization and sharpness! It seems they are very good acrobats... Excellent work, Mark. Congrats.Hugs, kati
Adele D. Oliver 01/10/2009 5:01
Wow!! You really have a winner here!! Fascinating contortions of these too, so sharp again, fragile and very, very beautiful!!best wishes, Adele
Vitória Castelo Santos 30/09/2009 22:11
Toll gefällt mir sehr gut.+++++++++++LG Vitoria
† Ushie Farkas 30/09/2009 21:11
Je suis fascinée !!! Salut UshieDeryck 30/09/2009 19:56
This is absolutely remarkable! Very good info and very good pictureDeryck
A. Lötscher -Bergjäger- 30/09/2009 17:42
Ein wunderschönes und nicht alltägliches Makro von diesen Libellen beim Paarungsspiel, super Arbeit!!LG Bergjäger
Heinz Janovsky 30/09/2009 17:20
Klasse Makro, feine Schärfe, schöne Bildkomposition.Gruß Heinz
Annick 30/09/2009 16:29
Des couleurs et une netteté extra, félicitations à toi pour cette merveilleuse macro.Amitiés
Gruber Fred 30/09/2009 14:19
Wow Mark,was für eine Schärfe und der Bildschnitt ist auch perfekt.Ein sehr klares Bild,von rauschen im Hintergrund keine Spur.Eine sehr gekonnte Arbeit.
LG Fred
Werner R. Albert 30/09/2009 14:17
Simply fascinating.Perfect macro - interesting explanation !
best wishes
Sylvia Schulz 30/09/2009 10:09
ein super Makro, klasse Aufnahme Marklg Sylvia
Genius Boy 30/09/2009 9:43
I like the colors and the great mood. Very nice capture and beautiful framing!Regards, Genius Boy
Canan Oner 30/09/2009 9:38
A great capture ofthis couple Mark...Their colors are extraordinary...Fantastic close-up...Cheers,
s. sabine krause 30/09/2009 9:34
wow! fascinating "procreation acrobatics" of those deliate and breakable looking insects! great capture! greetings, sabine.