2.123 4

Lovisa Lagerquist

Free Account, Vaxholm


I took this in småland this summer. To me it's pretty emotional and as you say, a pic tells more than a thousand words.

Comentarios 4

  • Clara Olausson 17/09/2006 20:34

    I don't really "connect" with it xD
  • Elvira R 14/09/2006 8:29

    Intresting colours ;-) And
    youre idea was very nice
  • Anna Attlid 11/09/2006 15:44

    I can see your idea and it's good! I would like to see more of the cow, now it's hard to see what it is when you see it the first time.
    Levels and contrast are nice, and also sharpness. If I were you, I would try again - and get rid of the shadows on the cow and the grass. It disturbs a little.

    But very nice photo, and I like it :-) You have the eye of a true photographer.

    Anna Attlid
  • Neil Auty 10/09/2006 23:12

    Nice capture, so to speak. It says so much with so little.

    Neil A