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Your time has passed by

Your time has passed by

3.275 3

Lovisa Lagerquist

Free Account, Vaxholm

Your time has passed by

Taken in Havsjö/Småland in my grandfathers toolshed.

Comentarios 3

  • Emma H 08/10/2006 12:44

    This is really nice too.. i agree whit Anna, great capture, idea and so on!
  • Elvira R 04/10/2006 16:44

    I don't really get the idea :/ But i like the photo lots ;-)
  • Anna Attlid 18/09/2006 15:59

    I feel sad when I'm watching this photo. The black and white colours gives it soul and I think this is a real good one. You really can see things "normal" people can't. I mean, who would even think about photograph a nesting box? Great capture.

    Anna Attlid