Alli Nazemzadeh

Free Account, Isfahan

Sobre mi

everything in my mind is gathered in my photos , mysterious and even strange photos ! ;) I'm not a professional photographer but , I'd like to be

Comentarios 7

  • reza-ramesh 23/06/2009 16:54

    dorod bar shoma
    khosh halam ke ham vatanam inja hast arezoye salamati barayetan daram
  • Ionut Sepi 31/12/2006 11:11

    All the best and Happy New Year !
    Thank's for your comment !
  • When 27/10/2006 22:05

    Hello. A warm welcome to FC from colorful Seattle, Washington. If you need any help getting around just give me a Quick Message. Yellow buddy light on. Make sure to join us in the forums and introduce yourself in the Meet and Greet section.
  • Cor van den Doel 23/10/2006 8:51

    Welcome to the FC, Alli.
    Please show us the most beautiful places of Iran.

    Thank you for your kind words to my picture.

    Regards, Cor
  • Susie Q 23/10/2006 2:25

    Thank you for taking the time to view and comment on my post ... and welcome to fotocommunity!
    Susie :o)

  • Dirk Hofmann 20/10/2006 19:40

    i also want to say: "welcome"

    hope you enjoy your stay and find some new friends around here pretty soon ... :-)

  • Der Zacki 19/10/2006 21:55

    Hi Alli,

    Welcome the the

    The spirit of Fotocommunity is to share knowledge, inspiration and thoughts as a team. Everyone can participate and everyone will share his experiences.
    So I hope you will enjoy it and if you have further
    questions don't hesitate to contact anybody from the support team.

    Our info system is up right now but it is growing permanent:

    cheers Peter
    Channelmanager Nature
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