The Living Forest (147) : Common Butterbur
Common Butterbur is a plant that likes to grow on wet, marshy ground in damp forests and adjacent to rivers or streams.
Its flowers are produced in the early spring, before the leaves appear.
Butterbur is so called because its huge rhubarb-like leaves (40 to 70 cm. diameter in summer) with their downy undersides were used to wrap around butter in the days before refrigerators.
The plant has been used medicinally for centuries.
During the Middle Ages, Butterbur was used to treat plague and fever. Nowadays it’s used in homeopathy as a remedy for migraine.
Dutch name : Groot Hoefblad
German name : Gewöhnliche Pestwurz (auch Bach-Pestwurz oder Rote Pestwurz genannt)
Latin name : Petasites hybridus
odeveld219 10/05/2013 19:51
A sublime recording of this decorative plant, the quality of colors and light is magnificent!Regards, Odeveld
Günter Nau 05/04/2011 7:56
Deine Naturbilder sind echt vom Feinsten. Ich betrachte sie mir jedesmal lange.lg Günter
TeresaM 03/04/2011 14:16
J'aime beaucoup cette mise en lumière.Excellente et belle photo, Mark :-)
carinart 02/04/2011 16:52
Man kann immer nur wieder sagen: zauberhafte Blüte und Aufnahme!L.G. Karin
Silvia Simonato. 02/04/2011 16:46
Gran captura, muy diáfana colorida imagen!!!.Saludos Silvia
Jörg Klüber 01/04/2011 19:27
Excellent!LG Jörg
Carlos.P. 01/04/2011 19:04
Un macro ¡Magnifico!Adele D. Oliver 01/04/2011 2:15
A very attractive little plant and a splendid close-up capture showing its open and still closed blossoms and the pretty mauve colours. Great how it stand out against the grey background.greetings, Adele
Vitória Castelo Santos 31/03/2011 22:56
Klasse Foto . Es gefällt mir.L.G. Vitoria
Deryck 31/03/2011 21:30
A beautiful flower with a very interesting documentary to go with it. Great shot Mark!Deryck
Jan Rillich 31/03/2011 21:00
nice flowerJosef Kainz 31/03/2011 20:09
Gute Aufnahme gefällt mirjosef
Ryszard Basta 31/03/2011 19:41
Perfektion.Heinz Janovsky 31/03/2011 18:47
Prächtige Details in der Blüte.Gruß Heinz
Irbenika 31/03/2011 18:33
Great shot close-up!This plant in your photo looks a lot prettier than in the forest ))
Interesting information too!